
Letters from Assisi

Over the years, I have written hundreds of reflections, based on visits to Assisi and my reading of books based on the spiritual legacy of St. Francis. Some were written on location while others were wrought later from notes that connect me to this mystical place. I share some of them here in a collection called Letters from Assisi.

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Spiritual Direction without Naming God

By Richard Boileau and Stéfan Thériault

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The End of Religion

New Explorations in Spiritual Practice with Aelred Graham, by Richard Boileau

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The Logos of our Lives

Our earthly quest for meaning, of which so much is written nowadays, is ultimately a search for the divine source.

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Spiritual Direction without Naming God

In an age that is becoming increasingly secular, spiritual directors must face the question of how to relate to people who neither think nor speak in terms that we typically associate with religious experience, or in categories that have been used historically to understand and communicate spiritual phenomena. By Richard Boileau and Stéfan Thériault

An ordinary day

When I woke up this morning, darkness had vanished, relinquishing its hold at the sight of an amazing sunrise. The junko and the cardinal danced around a pile of sunflower seeds that I’d placed on a table last night. Last night, I counted my blessings, but also my disappointments. Last night, my wife and I…

Je suis Jesus

During the hours and days that followed the attack on the French satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo, people around the world were suddenly Parisian, resolutely defying forces that would have humanity cower in fear and descend into chaos so that extremists might impose their misguided solution du jour. Suddenly, the whole world professed to be…

Where am I going?

Jesus’ entry into the ancient city of Jerusalem, the event that inaugurates what we have come to call Holy Week, takes on particular significance for many people in this time of threatening uncertainty and the anxiety, even anguish, to which it gives rise. The procession, celebrated with palms and jubilation, barely masks a mood of…

Ce qui est normal

Nous entendons souvent ces jours-ci l’expression “retourner à la normale.” J’avoue l’avoir utilisée moi-même. Cette expression fait preuve d’angoisse par rapport à ce que l’on vit actuellement. Un fléau, un mal subit. Le virus nous effraie. En même temps les moyens que nous prenons pour l’éviter chamboule tout. Notre travail, nos loisirs, nos relations, notre…

Hope For Africa

Greetings from Malawi… I want to thank you and your friends for the donation sent to us in January 2019.  Let me give you some news about Delia Kindergarten and our little ones.  We had 63 children at the Kindergarten this year, and among them, 23 orphans and vulnerable children. Most of these orphans and…

The Logos of our Lives

Our earthly quest for meaning, of which so much is written nowadays, is ultimately a search for the divine source.  This article originally appeared in The Way, January 2019 Download the PDF file . Click here to watch an in-depth interview with Vikotr Frankl about meaning on the CBC program Man Alive, 1979.  

New Life in Ministry

Dear Friends of Saint Francis,   Many of you have asked why I am no longer posting on www.cribandcross.org monthly spiritual reflections, as I had been doing since 2002. An explanation is warranted.   I initially researched and developed these as preparation for preaching. Subsequently, I based them on various Franciscan themes, including hope and joy,…

A Passage Through India

During most of human history, there was no need for inter-religious dialogue. Men and women spent their entire lives in largely homogeneous societies with little or no interest in other cultures, lifestyles and religions. Today, we live in a pluralistic environment in which we must interact with strangers for our livelihood and survival. A timid…