A Lonergan View of Francis of Assisi On Consciousness, Conversion and Communication


The radical decision that Francis of Assisi took with regards to the meaning of the Christian Gospel during the opening moments of the thirteenth century created a whole school of spirituality that has transcended the centuries as “the richest of all, incontestably one of the most beautiful, and one which has most decisively left its stamp on the history of the Church.”

 This article originally appeared in The Cord – A Franciscan Spiritual Review (January-February 2006) pp 3-22

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One Response to "A Lonergan View of Francis of Assisi On Consciousness, Conversion and Communication"

  1. Fabian
    Fabian Posted on July 1, 2015 at 11:37 pm

    that is who He is now after rising to Life. I inaliitly started this effort after hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans (Spring of 2006). I have tried this every year since, and the results speak for them self for the following years to the present. It solely relied on finding some one else that will acknowledge Him in agreement with what I have proposed. This timeless message you have written is in my opinion and belief is an excellent piece of literature and conveys exactly what Christ hopes us to understand.